



Minerva Nett 6. august 2007

Sosial-entreprenøren — agent med rett til å endre


Verken staten eller markedet kan tilfredsstille behovet for sosiale omsorgsgoder. De offentlige tiltakene kan være både rigide, kostbare og i visse tilfeller ganske enkelt forverre de problemer de var ment å skulle løse. Vi trenger også sosiale entreprenører.

Skrevet av Minerva, August 2007

Read more ... "Äkta" entreprenörer är sällsynta

”Äkta” entreprenörer är sällsynta - Link til kilde

Publicerad: 2003-11-05
Följande text publicerades även i Entré nr 3/4, 2003:

Schumpeters entreprenör är unik och skiljer sig från andra entreprenörer på flera punkter. Det visar Jan-U. Sandal i avhandlingen Jakten på Entreprenøren – Kan Joseph A. Schumpeters teori benyttes til å identifisere og differensiere entreprenører i det 21. Århundre?

For mer informasjon og bestilling

Kateryna Naumik-Gladka - Monograph Review - Book & Library International Searching The World's Libraries

Kateryna Naumik-Gladka has published a monograph review in ACCESS Journal: Access to Science, Business, Innovation in Digital Economy

She has reviewed


Monograph author: Jan-Urban Sandal
Publisher: Sandal Institute. Country: Norway. Language: English. Pages: 141. Illustrated
ISBN 978-82-93329-08-4Printed ISBN 978-82-93329-09-1E-book

Link to ebook

"It is an honor to review the book “Books & Library International Searching of the World’s Libraries”. This is one of the books that should be voted as a must-read for citizens of our planet. It is a kind of surprising and unpredictable books that I advise to get acquainted with. I cannot express what I expected it to be – maybe more like a guide thing but it turned out quite different. The book is a real story of cultural and historical significance and is a short journal from the time when its writer went travelling to the different countries in pursuit of invaluable things – people, books, knowledge.

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