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15. Stormøte

for samtaler knyttet til ubesvarte spørsmål



Tid: Thursday 24. March 2011, 12:00 – 16:00
Sted: The National Norwegian Opera and Ballet, Oslo, Norway
Visjon: A Cross-Atlantic Exchange of Ideas in Social Entrepreneurship:
Conversations between Scholars from the U.S. and Scandinavia

Conversations on emerging issues in social entrepreneurship

Fil. Dr Jan-Urban Sandal in collaboration with Partnership for Change Conference and with support from the US Government:

A Cross-Atlantic Exchange of Ideas in Social Entrepreneurship:
Conversations between Scholars from the U.S. and Scandinavia


Program for dagen

16:00 Fremmøte og registrering.


Åpning av Stormøte og innledning til tema, ved initiativtaker

Fil. Dr. Jan-Urban Sandal.



Tema ” ”








Tema "Kunnskapsinnovasjon - en fremtid i møte"


20:00 Avslutning av det 15. Stormøte










12:00: Registration and Coffee
12:15: Introduction by Fil. Dr. Jan-Urban Sandal
12:30 Presentation by Scholars from the U.S. and Scandinavia
- Abby Fifer Mandell, University of Southern California
- Lars Hulgård, Roskilde University,
13:30 Coffee break
14:15 - Benny Carlson, Lund University
- Jan-Urban Sandal, Fil Dr Jan-U. Sandal
15:15 Plenary discussion led by Jan-Urban Sandal
16:00 Closing of the 15th summit in Social Entrepreneurship

Abby Fifer Mandell is the Associate Director and Director of Education at the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business Society and Business Lab (SBL). Ranked as one of the country's top school's for accounting, finance, entrepreneurship and international business studies, the Marshall School curriculum is designed to prepare students for the evolving realities of the global marketplace, emphasizing experiential learning that nurtures entrepreneurial talent and fosters critical thinking. The U.S. News & World Report routinely declares the Marshall School’s undergraduate program as one of the best in the nation. The USC Marshall School of Business created the Society and Business Lab (SBL) in 2008 to develop new strategies for solving global and social issues and to provide support for students and faculty who want to use their business skills to address the world’s greatest challenges. The Lab engages with the fields of social entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility, non-profit management, and sustainability that address issues of poverty, education, health, and the environment.
Prior to joining the Lab staff, Abby served as the Director of Admissions of the graduate school of education at American Jewish University in Los Angeles. As a private consultant for Brailsford & Dunlavey, she designed educational programs and facilities at Duke University, The University of Vermont, Dartmouth University, and UC Riverside, among others. Her research has been published in ACUI’s The Bulletin, University Business, and NACAS’s College Service. Abby holds a master’s degree in education (M.A.Ed.) and received her B.A. from the University of Virginia.



Dr Lars Hulgård, born 1958, is full professor of social entrepreneurship, Roskilde University, where he serves four main functions:

1. President of EMES European Research Network
2. Chair of the research group Social Innovation and Organizational Learning
3. Chair of RUCinnovation – Roskilde University’s platform for innovative projects between the university, enterprises and organizations
4. Research, teaching and concultancy in social entrepreneurship, social enterprise, capacity building, social innovation and social policy

In 1998 he was co-founder of the European EMES-Network. EMES is a collaboration of researchers within the field of social economy studying the mergence of social enterprises and social entrepreneurship in Europe. Hulgård has been board member of EMES since 2008 and President since January 2010. http://www.emes.net/index.php?id=2. In 2005 he was the founder, international applicant and first international coordinator of the CINEFOGO-Network of Excellence, an international cross-disciplinary network of more than 100 European scholars funded by the EU, Sixth Framework Programme (4 mio. €) http://www.cinefogo.org/. In 2007 he founded the Centre for Social Entrepreneurship based upon a grant from the Danish Parliament (11 mio. DKK) http://www.ruc.dk/paes/cse/. From 2006 – 2008 he served as Head of Department at Department of Psychology and Educational Studies, Roskilde University.

Professor Hulgård has his Master of Sociology from University of Copenhagen, and his Ph.D. in Public Administration from Roskilde University. He was a consultant to the Danish Ministry of Social Affairs between 1994 and 1998 evaluating the Large City Programme for Socially Excluded People. 1990-1992 he was Research Consultant on “Innovative Social Policy” also to the Danish Ministry of Social Affairs. In 2000 he contributed to the Danish Minister of Social Affairs’ annual report on social policy with a part “Social Policy as an Investment in Social Capital”. In September 2009 he was invited by Her Royal Highness Crown Prinsess Mary of Denmark to give a lecture in the Royal Palace for Her Royal Highness and the Board of Governors of The Mary Foundation about international experiences with social entrepreneurship. In January 2010 Her Royal Highness opened the Third Annual Conference of the Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at Roskilde University. Professor Hulgård has been member of the executive committee in the National Association on Social Policy, and president of the Danish Sociological Association. Professor Hulgård has been visiting scholar at Minda de Gunzburg Centre for European Studies, Harvard University in 2004, at University of California, Riverside in 1998 and at Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung, University of Mannheim, Germany in 1992. July-September 2010, Professor Hulgård was based in an honorary apartment in New York studying social entrepreneurship and social enterprise.




2006-07 Management of education and research, University of Southern Denmark
1995 Ph.D. in Public Administration, Roskilde University.
1989 Sociologist, MA. Copenhagen University.

2010 - President, EMES European Research Network
2008 - Chair, RUCinnovation, financed by Region Sjælland (20 mio. DKK).
2008 - Full professor, Department of Psychology and Educational Studies, Roskilde University.
2008 - Chair of the research group Social Innovation and Organizational Learning, Roskilde University
2006 - 08 Dean of Department, Department of Psychology and Educational Studies, Roskilde University.
2006- External examinor, Århus University.
1997 - 06 Associate professor in social science and evaluation research, Department of Social Science and Business Economy, Roskilde University.
1994 – 98 External consultant for the Ministry of Social Affairs.
1990 – 97 Ph.D.-student and assistant professor, Department of Social Science and Business Economy, Roskilde University.
1990 – 92 Research consultant, the Ministry of Social Affairs.
1989–90 Lecturer in sociology and social policy, College for Social Work, Copenhagen.
1986 – 88Lecturer in sociology and social policy at College for Social Work, Nuuk, Greenland.

Leadership and management
2010 - As president leading the EMES European Research Network in a period of transition from being a medium sized European research network to a research organization with global outreach and impact. Between 2004 and 2010 the number of visits to our website grew from 15.000 to 160.000 annual visits. We have administrative staff on permanent contracts in Belgium, Spain and Denmark. The network organanizes bi-annual PhD summer schools with participants from more than 30 countries and conferences with several hundred participants. The network works for the EU, UNDP and OECD.
2008 - As the co-chair of RUCinnovation, to lead 6 innovation concultants and generate interest and projects among scholars to work with innovation for the benefit of the wider community.
2007 - As the founder of Centre for Social Entrepreneurship with app. 10 members of staff my role is to inspire and supervise.
2006 – 08 As Dean of Department contributed to the reorganization of an entire medium sized Danish university where the number of departments was reduced from 10 to 6. I was hired by the rector to merge two separate departments into one with a significantly new profile.
1992 – 93 As the President of the Danish Sociological Association my role was to increase the number of members with 20%.

Honorary positions and keynotes

2010 Member, Advisory committee for the Annual Social Prize of the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess
2010 Received a honoray stay in Bikubenfondens (Danish Foundation) apartment on Thompson Street in New York (August and September)
2010 - Board member, Christian Student Settlement
2010 Prime Mover and head of European delegation to The International Symposium on Social Enterprise, China-Europa Forum, at Hong Kong Polythenic University, July 8 to July 14, 2010.
2010 Host and organizer of the National Entrepreneurship Day, January 26. 2010, Roskilde University, with the participation of Her Royal Highness Crownprinsess Mary.
2010 Host and organizer of the 2nd EMES Ph.D.-summerschool, Roskilde University, 30. June – 3. July.
2009 Member of European delegation to international conference: A Economia Social E Solidária em Perspectiva Internacional. III Colóqio da Cátedra UNESCO Trabalho e Sociedade Solidária. Unisinos – São Leopoldo, Brasil, 9-11/12-2009. Invited by professor Luis Iñacio Gaiger, Unisinos.
2009 Advisor to the LEGO Foundations’ CEO Morten Aagaard.
2009 Reviewer for Voluntas, VOLU-D-09-00042
2009 Presentation for the foundation: Det Obelske Familiefond, Skodsborg, 1. October.
2009 Presentation for Her Royal Highness, Crown Prinsess Mary and the board of governors of the Mary Foundation, The Royal Castle, 16. September.
2009 Member of the Steering Committee for the ”National Strategy on Social Entrepreneurship”. A collaboration between Monday Morning, ministries, organizations and universities.
2009 Ambassador for the Not-for-profit foundation Specialist People Foundation.
2009 Member, Conference Committee, “The 2nd EMES conference on Social Enterprise”, Trento University, 1-5 July 2009.
2009 Lecture, University of East London, Social Research fir the Third Sector”,
2009 Lecture, Bologna University, Faculty of Ecomics, “Social Entrepreneurship, Social Enterprise and Social Economy”, 06/05/09.
2009 - Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee to the Danish Ministry of Science, concerning the Social Sciences and Humanities in the European Union.
2008 Keynote speech, ”Listening to the Social Entrepreneur”, University of East London, 09/10/08.
2008 Keynote speech,”Social innovation and Muhammad Yunus in a Danish Context”. Conference in connection with Nobel Prize Winner, professor Muhammad Yunus’ visit to Danmark. Copenhagen Business School, 04/12/08.
2008 Board Member, EMES European Research Network.



Dr Benny Carlson. Benny Carlson is professor of economic history at the Lund University School of Economics and Management. His research has been focused on the spread of economic and social ideas, including e.g. social engineering and community organization among immigrants in the U.S. and Sweden.