Svitlana Chugaievska

Svitlana Chugaievska

PhD in Economic (Candidate of Economical Sciences), researcher, the associate professor of Mathematical Analysis, Business Analysis and Statistics, Head of the Scientific Center for Statistical and Socio-Economic Research of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Ukraine.
Areas of scientific interest are statistical analysis of sustainable development of economic entities of Ukraine in the context of European integration:
• statistical analysis of the development of the regions of Ukraine;
• statistical and analytical support of innovative processes of milk processing enterprises of Ukraine in the context of European integration;
• analytical aspects of the organization of statistical reporting in Ukraine;
• business analysis of enterprises and entrepreneurship projects in the context of strategic management of labor, material and financial resources in a variable economic environment.

She has more than 160 scientific works. In 2019 she was graduated from The Social Entrepreneur School IBS (Innovation, Business and Society), Fil Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute. In 2020,
she was granted a scholarship, ES-01-A for exchange visit to Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute, Norway.

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Cover of Social Entrepreneurship – New Approaches and Modern Challenges

Social Entrepreneurship – New Approaches and Modern Challenges

Year: 2022
Hits: 2512
PrefaceThe main goal of social entrepreneurship is to make the world a better place for everyon