The Rise

Museum Science and the Creation of Artifacts

Hits: 1326

Dr. Jan-Urban Sandals artikkel

Museum Science and the Creation of Artifacts based on the Production Functionis published in

International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Competitiveness and Innovations: Problems of Science and Practice"
ISBN 978-617-7801-07-7
November 2019

To read full article Click here

Museum is a rather old form of preserving and displaying items of values and stretches far back in human history. The reasons for collecting, preserving and displaying items are many.
The meaning and purpose of the museum is “for the increase and diffusion of knowledge”, James Smithson stated in 1829 (Smithson, 1829). Museums are a base for knowledge, its increase and diffusion in time and space. How is knowledge, the increase of knowledge and its diffusion produced? It is produced through the scientific process. Museum science is the process of production of knowledge, its increase and diffusion.