Editor: Prof. Dr. Fil. Jan-Urban Sandal
Pages: 160
Price: 260,00
ISBN: 978-82-93329-04-6
Year: 2019
Link: Link Download ebook

Hits: 1592

This book is about museum science and Sandal Private Museum. Museum science is rooted in the analysis of the life and work of the entrepreneur and the independent scientist, where the creation of artifacts based on the production function is a major area of scientific activities and interest. Governments cannot do the same as individuals in the process of innovation, entrepreneurship or independent science. That is one reason behind museum science as a scientific subject and the need for creation of private museums. The objectives behind Sandal Private Museum are independent science, documentation, exhibition, education, and diffusion of knowledge as a leading center for the production of new knowledge in its fields of interest, emphasizing cultural family heritage through objects of intrinsic values.
Sandal Private Museum invites independent scientists, doctoral candidates, students and the public to independent studies, education and publishing of articles, books, presentations and displays. The prominent authors of chapters in this book have all contributed based on their independent research at Sandal Private Museum based on Museum Science. The publishing of the book is financed by Global Development Fund.


  • Introduction
    • Jan-Urban Sandal
  • Museum science and the creation of artifacts based on the production function
    • Jan-Urban Sandal
  • The Sandal story in retrospect – some early stepping stones
    • Benny Carlson
  • The role of museums in the modern world
    • Iryna Tkachuk
  • Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute`s contribution to social entrepreneurship in the world and in Ukraine
    • Nataliia Melnyk
  • Intellectual property management in museum activities 
    • Iryna Lytvynchuk
  • About the cooperation between Omega Institute of Science Technology and Training, East Asian University of Technology and Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute 
    • Dinh Van Nha, Dinh Nhat Anh, Dinh Thi Lan Anh
  • Not just another plastic bag in the global economy: An economist examines the markets, power, and politics of Fil. Dr. Jan-U Sandal`s world travel
    • Oleksandr Chaikin
  • Sandal Private Museum – scientific analysis of important world banknotes
    • Vitalii Dankevych
  • The role of Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal in promoting independent science and social entrepreneurship on a global scale 
    • Karyna Razumna
  • Awards and recognitions for the invaluable contribution to the development of social entrepreneurship in the world
    • Nastasiia Puhachova
  • Authors