
Volodymyr Bazylevych

From 01 May 2017, associate professor of the department of cybersecurity and mathematical simulation of Chernihiv National University of Technology Volodymyr Bazylevych has started his scientific research with Dr. Jan-Urban Sandal in the field of Security of Social Entrepreneurship. The main scientific interests of Volodymyr is economic security and cybersecurity and the main direction of research is features of cybersecurity in Social Entrepreneurship area.

Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute invited associate professor of the department of cybersecurity and mathematical simulation of Chernihiv National University of Technology, Chernihiv to exchange visit according to Articles 2 and 3 in Agreement between the two Parties. The exchange visit is to take place at Institute's venue from Monday, May 1 to Wednesday, May 10, 2017.

Through the exchange visit, Volodymyr will conduct his own independent scientific research in Social Entrepreneurship supported by Dr. Jan-Urban Sandal, as his scientific supervisor. In addition, he will take part in 52nd summit “The importance of social entrepreneurship and innovation for economic growth and social development” as keynote speaker with topic: “Development of criteria of protection from cyber threats for social enterprises by analyzing the features of their functioning”.