Editor: Prof. Dr. Fil. Jan-Urban Sandal
Pages: 141
Price: 379,00
ISBN: 978-82-93329-08-4
Year: 2020
Link: Link Download ebook

Hits: 1613

In 2012, I started a new scientific research project named Book & Library International Searching the World's Libraries. The goal

was to visit a number of libraries throughout the world to see how much literature I could find on the topics innovation, business entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship in English.

At the same time, dissemination of information through the libraries was an integral part of the project. The book presents the Book & Library International Searching the World's Libraries project from its beginning in 2012 until today. The book as well as the project itself is excellent for scientific research and education and will be a great help to many professors, researches, students, entrepreneurs, business people, employees, librarians, politicians, decision makers and media all over the world.


  • Introduction
    • Background 9, A Current Theme 10, Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship 11, In the World's Libraries 12, The Research Program 15, The Structure of the Book 17, Summary and Conclusion 18, References 19

  • Book & Library International, Searching the World's Libraries
    • Introduction 21, Challenges 21, Methods 24, Diffusion of Science Project Principles 26, Year 2012 Visits and Diffusion of Science 27, Year 2013 Visits and Diffusion of Science 32, Year 2014 Visits and Diffusion of Science 36, Year 2015 Visits and Diffusion of Science 38, Year 2015 – 2019 Visits and Diffusion of Science 40, Countries and Number of Libraries Visited 41, Results of Visits and Diffusion of Science 43, Book & Library International Searching the World's Libraries Preliminary Results 45, Conclusion 50, References 52

  • Visiting Libraries and Scholars around the World
    • Europe 57, USA 86, Central America 87, Asia 92, Africa 113

  • Library Letters and Documents
    • Europe 118, USA 130, Central America 132, Asia 135, Africa 137

  • Epilogue

Reviewed by:
Kateryna Naumik-Gladka, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of tourism Simon Kuznets National University of Economics, Kharkiv city, Ukraine

"It is an honor to review the book “Books & Library International Searching of the World’s Libraries”. This is one of the books that should be voted as a must-read for citizens of our planet. It is a kind of surprising and unpredictable books that I advise to get acquainted with. I cannot express what I expected it to be – maybe more like a guide thing but it turned out quite different. The book is a real story of cultural and historical significance and is a short journal from the time when its writer went travelling to the different countries in pursuit of invaluable things – people, books, knowledge"

Complete review