Editor: Prof. Dr. Fil. Jan-Urban Sandal
Pages: 64
Price: 299,00
ISBN: 978-82-93329-12-1
Year: 2020
Link: Link Download ebook

Hits: 2341

Social entrepreneurship is a key factor in solving human created problems and changing the world to the better for everyone.
However, what role does the law play in the change process initiated by social entrepreneurs? Is there really a need for a
specific national law for social entrepreneurship worldwide, or is freedom enough under the consciousness of the independent
individuals that are the driving forces behind development?
In this book, these approaches are thoroughly discussed and analyzed by specialists in the disciplines.
The prominent authors of chapters in this book have all contributed based on their independent research at Fil. Dr. Jan-U.
Sandal Institute.


  • Social entrepreneurship: power of patriotism & prospects for legislation
    • O. Golovko
  • The Role of Law in Regulating Social Entrepreneurship
    • M. Dubniak
  • Scientific principles of social entrepreneurship and basic law values – human rights, democracy and rule of law
    • O. Marushchak
  • Authors