Projectdescription - Iryna Tkachuk

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Explanation of scientific research

My scientific research is devoted to the problems of civil society.
The title of scientific monograph will be “Innovations in financing of civil society institutions”.
The approximate structure of the research:
The monograph will consist of 4 main parts. Each of them will explain one of the four investigations.
The approximate titles of each of them are:

  1. The structure of civil society sector, its role, functions and principles of activities.
  2. Democratic innovations as an instrument of increasing the effectiveness of CSOs activities.
  3. State funding of political parties as innovation against corruption in Ukraine.
  4. CSOs as an actor in the system of money laundering and the mechanism of overcoming this phenomenon.


Also, Scientific monograph will contain the Introduction and Conclusions.
With independence, Ukraine stepped on the stage of transforming its civil society from the undeveloped Soviet model to a developed European one.
Developed civil society is characterized by a significant contribution of its institutions not only in the establishment of democracy, but also in the development of the socio-economic sphere of the respective states. Thus, in the economically developed democracies of the world, civil society institutions create a significant share of GDP, are innovative, create a significant number of paid jobs, participate in the budget process.
However, the success of the civil society institutions depends on the efficiency of the accumulation and use of financial resources, the quality of financial management. Thus, finances serve as an integral part of the existence of a civil society, which can both stimulate the development of the civil society itself and restrain it.
The solution of this problem requires theoretical, methodological and practical justification of the research of civil society finances and practical aspects of their functioning.
The work of foreign and domestic scientists is devoted to certain aspects of the finances of civil society, namely, the peculiarities of the formation of financial support for NGOs activities, in particular: Barlett D., Bullain N., Croissant A., Edwards M., Kakkad J., Laut H., Merkel W., Paffenholz T., Prive T., Schade J., Spurk C., Toftisova R., Yaziji M. and others.
While paying tribute to the scientific work of the aforementioned scholars, it should be noted that the further comprehensive study of theoretical and methodological foundations and the system of civil society finances remains relevant. The issues of theoretical and methodological substantiation of the research of civil society finances remain unsolved; the role of civil society finance in the system of social responsibility of the state; places of civil society institutions in the system of legalization of the proceeds received illegally and methods of its counteraction.
The purpose of the dissertation is to synthesize theoretical and methodological provisions and to develop practical recommendations for enhancing the efficiency of the functioning of civil society finance.

General scientific interests:
Finances, civil society, social responsibilities, innovations.